We have a vast range of HiFi separates including Amplifiers

At Sounds with Vision we have many different choices of amplifiers available for our customers. As a specialist HiFi and AV solutions provider, we pride ourselves in understanding the customers requirements, and matching their need with the right solution at the right price.
Amplifiers is a generic term for a variety of solutions. From Integrated Amplifiers where the amp manages the source such as hi-fi streamer, turntables, CD Players, Minidisc, Tape, and NAS drives as well as the amplification of the speakers themselves.
Power Amplifiers are dedicated to higher end systems where the power requirement from the speakers exceeds the available power of the integrated amplifier. This is not always the case though, as dedicated Power Amplifiers tend to provide the listener with a higher capability system, cleaner more controllable sound, and greater performance.
An alternative to using integrated amplifiers is the combination of Pre-Amplifiers and Power Amplifiers. This setup is considered the ideal solution for HiFi Enthusuasts and Audiophiles. Typically offering better performance due to the benefit of dedicated design, separate power supplies, additional control and various other features. The Pre-Amplifier connects to your source providing the volume and source selection within the power amplifier powering the speakers.
split pre and power amplifier set-up is arguably most desireable and offers the best sound quality, but the most popular hi-fi amp is the integrated amplifier, which combines these into one box (and is often less expensive).
Valve amplifiers offer an amazingly warm rich sound, with varying sounds influenced on the type of valve used. These were typically used during the 60’s & 70’s, but have regained in popular appeal due to the tonal charecteristics of warmth, richness and neutrality.
Lastly Sounds With Vision have a large selection of multi-channel AV receivers which are more specifically used for home cinema systems.
For More Info Contact:
For more information on the range of Amplifiers or If you have any questions or queries please get in touch with our team of experts on 01823 765035 or use our Contact Form.